- Vastushastra majorly works on basic principles of Panchatatva (air, water, fire, earth & sky) It abides *laws of Nature* & *8 major directions* (which is same across the world). It is also takes into consideration other factors such as *energies from universe, earths gravitational force, magnetism & geopathic stress.*
- 5 elements are the very basis of creation, functioning & maintatinence of Human body & its internal system. They directly or indirectly influence our health, thinking & behaviour.
- Vastushastra is an ancient science, designed & developed to *Benefit humans* irrespective of their origin. *And
- humans are present across the world !!*
- Vastushastra has importance of air-light ventilation & has effective ways to make use UV rays & avoid Ifrared rays. Although countries are different culturally but still all of them have same day-night cycle of 24 hrs & experience same gravitational force of earth & planetory energies including magnetism across the globe. These all are continuously acting on human bodies & energies are flowing within the Vaastu. (Residential, Commercial setups, Factory, Bank, Hospital, Education institutions, Malls & Land etc..) All these types of Vaastu are commonly seen in all countries accross the world.
- World comprises of Continents (surrounded by huges water bodies like Oceans & Seas) in which there are various countries of various shapes & sizes which may lead to unbalanced energies in eight directions but ultimately they are governed by these 5 elements.(8 dirn —
- which are again common accross geography)
- This also means Vastushastra is *Universally applicable*.
- Vastushastra works on theory of balancing elements & energies. We also know energy cannot be created neither destroyed, *but definitely energies can be attracted.* This can be efficiently done through yantras, mantras & pyramids used in Vastushastra irrespective of Vaastu’s geographical location. Which means Vastushastra is *Practically possible anywhere.*
- There are various other energies arising either from bottom of earth or universe & penetrating earth’s surface like Hartman lines, Lay lines, Skewman lines & Curry lines. Intensity of these energies may vary from place to place but these energies are spread across the globe, effecting humans, animals & trees differently.
- Now, almost all countries are either
- developed or in developing stage, which means irrespective of their geographies, they have modern technological structures, heavy machinery & complex transportation systems etc.. leading to various kinds of artificial source of Geopathic stress & depriving people from natural magnetism that is required for proper functioning of human mechanisms.
- This kind of geopathic stress cannot be controlled but can be efficiently avoided to greater extent using principals & working of Vastushastra.
- Principles of Vastushastra doesn’t have other limitations & shortcomings like; person specific design & remedies that needs to be changed its positions every year, *rather its solutions are cost effective & permanent*.
- Thus Principles Vastushastra intends to create harmony & have capacity to address requirements & challenges of people across the world which are same,
- whether they work, study or reside.
Effect of Vastu does not differ for men & women, but Vastu can affect men & women differently
Vastushastra is based on panchatatva, magnetism & geopathic stress. It also relates to effects which are beyond explanations of physics.
All living beings on earth are influenced by these above mentioned elements & energies.
All these things directly & indirectly influences our health, thinking & behaviour.
It is observed that birds & fishes use magnetic fields to travel in required direction
Incase of men & women the effect may vary in few areas, since biologically both have slightly different systems that are created by nature. Also, different biological arrangements lead to different energies within.
Similar biological differences are also observed in animals, birds etc (male & female)
Just that there are differences in physical, mental & emotional attributes between humans & animals. Female body (in mammals) is especially designed for reproduction- conceiving & feeding etc. Whereas male body is more rugged or have natural capabilities for doing hard work etc.
When energies are imbalanced, this natural functioning of male & female body gets disturbed & hence the results.
The change in hormones may result in different behavioural patterns aswell. (physical, mental & emotional attributes may
vary in some cases or genetically.)
Also, there are various effects related to geopathic stress in Vastu.
To discuss few; Geopathic stress may result in proliferation of cells in similar way in both male & female body. Whereas, Skewmans lines affect Menstrual cycle incase female body or complications during pregnancy may arise or be it for conceiving also. Whereas male body may have effect in other areas or parts of body.
In addition effects arising due to imbalanced elements & defects in various zones of Vastu also needs to be evaluated on case to case basis. Eg; Errors in Se & Sw effect health, performance, dominance, contol & relationships of residents.
Hence to sum up, Vastushastra is impartial to living beings – Men or Woman, but one of the reason, effect of Vastu varies is due to their
biological differences
@ R Suryavanshi
To begin with, we can look into this from 3 different angles;
1) It can be said that Human life is majorly influenced or is a result of; their *Karma*, their planetary positions in personal *Horoscope* & *Vastushastra*.
Can we change past Karma ? — No
Can we change our Horoscope ? — No
Can we make changes or rectify our Vastu ? — Obiviously Yes !!
2) Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry or any other such science is *Person specific* & there is *No Single Solution* that can help entire family staying under one roof.
Whereas once Vastushastra of house if done properly, it gives positive results to the entire family.
Vastushastra is about creating Harmony where people stay or reside.
(Hence, Vastu is not just @ Home, rather all structures such as Offices, Educational institutions, Hospitals, Factories etc. where almost all elements are present or requires to be maintained in balanced state.)
3) Then why not Feng-Shui but Vastushastra ?
Feng shui is Evolved from Vastushastra, but it has many loopholes, limitations & shortcomings like;
sometimes it doesn’t mention about God, have Geographic limitation, design of house is person specific, wood & metal can get destroyed & few remedies needs to change its positions every year.
Vastushastra though requires deep understanding & study, but its application is comparatively simple & universally acceptable.
It is based on Panchatatva (Water = Self, Air =
Karma, Fire = Result, Earth = Obstacles & Sky = Support). All these 5 elements are natural & hence can’t be destroyed.
A metaphysical science with results beyond explanation of physics. Moreover it has capability to address subject of Geopathic stress aswell.
*Still, this answers the Question partially….*
So, lets look at this now (2 more aspects);
*1 st:*
*Everything & infact entire Universe is all about Energy, Frequency & Vibrations* (@ Nikola Tesla)
*Every element & everything existing in this universe has a mass vibrating at specific frequency*
Communication can happen when these frequencies of both transmitter & receiver
match or they are tuned to do so.
*2 nd:*
Simple Harmonic Motion is when a restoring force is directly proportional to its displacement.
Which also means, when its not in proportion, its not SHM.
In other words, its any motion where restoring force is applied that is in proportion & in opposite direction to maintain equilibrium.
*This restoring motion or the act can be described as Vastushastra.*
How? Or To prove both these aspects ;
Vastushastra is our ancient science, with origins in Vedas & its all about balancing of energies, creating positive vibrations etc..
Vastushastra makes use of *Cost effective solutions* like Yantras, chanting Mantras,
Pyramids, Crystals, Colors, Pictures, maintain clean & hygienic environment, to create Harmony in our Vastu.
*Yantras* were developed by Rishis several years ago.
They have various shapes & symbols along with specific mantras for specific objectives & its combination is called *Energy circuits* as they *Generate energies.*
(Eg; Strength of Subtle Energy of Swastik Yantra = 35,600,000 Bovis Units – also known as a Bio-photon-activating energy units)
*Sound of Mantra* has its own Frequency
(eg: Frequency of ‘Aum’ or ‘OM’ is 7.82 Hz).
*Chanting Mantra creates Positive Vibrations within human body & Vastu aswell*
(Tonoscope picture obtained of the sound OM, is similar to The Shree Yantra Mandal)
Thus, Mantras are mystical arrangements of words in such a manner that it helps getting blessings from Gods effectively & quickly.
(Shree Swami Samartha is believed to hold strings of human life in this Kaliyuga)
*Pyramid* is a scientific device, which if designed in proper shape & size, positive energy concentrates at 1/3rd of its Height also called as centre of gravity. C.G.
Hence Mummies were stored there.
*Crystals* are used to attract positive Cosmic energies from the universe
*Every Color* has its own Wavelength & Frequency interval, effecting human body & its Aura
*Pictures* also work on similar principles, influencing positive & negative feelings & emotions
Thus, use of Vastushastra is proven science, which we should be proud of, as it makes use of universal principles to create, restore & maintain harmony, not only in Vastu but also within a human being (7-Chakras)
We should follow it because, Vastushastra is not only about directions, but also focuses on synchronisation of our Mind, Body & Soul.
It gives us a solution to live a Healthy, Wealthy & Happy life.
*A Prosperity which leads to Peace of Mind.*
Thank you 🙏🏻
@ R Suryavanshi
- Everyone of us at every stage in life are busy trying to achieve our personal goals. Sometimes we win sometimes we struggle.
- Fate is something we believe that is bound to happen. Design of our Vastu, can either help us to reduce or aggravate the impact of fate. If Fate of a person is good, Vastushastra acts as a catalyst to accelerate the growth.
- An unexpected unfortunate event impacts our life adversely, affecting our entire family. Its just a reason for things to happen. These unfavourable events might occur in our life as a surprise to us, which can disturb our relationship, career, health, education, finances etc. Few get
- success easily, few keep fighting against odds entire life
- This occurs due to our Horoscope or Karmas – from which no one can escape as its like a bank balance (good or bad).
- It is observed that, there are many obstacles & difficulties even in absence of major Vastu defects & no major obstacles in a non compliant Vastu.
- Major defects can sometimes determine or bring bad fate. It becomes difficult either to selloff & leave that inauspicious property or get into an auspicious property, which is also a fate
- These unacceptable circumstances makes life really difficult & frustrating. Sometimes we know why, sometimes we are clueless
- All this can be termed as Yog – till right time arrives in life.
- Vastushastra along with Spiritual blessings, can help us finding a way out of such situations & incidences in life. In few cases life becomes unbearable &
- survival becomes difficult. Both these can give a person fighting spirit & improve willpower. Self introspection & realisation of karma is also important
- As per Vastushastra, by doing right activity in right zone, we can improve our performance, it gives us desired results & reduce the sufferings.
- Eg; One zone can help to recover money & help getting out of debt soon. One zone helps getting quick benefits from medicines used, while other zone helps getting rid of bad habbits. Let it be improving relationships or academic progress or anything else for that matter.
- Difficulties, obstacles & death are inevitable, but how we come out of it, how we die is important (with or without suffering)
- Recent case of Mumbai’s top cop Himanshu Roy – He went into depression due to his prolonged illness & when Fate struck, he committed suicide.
- Vastushastra with Spiritual sitting can help reducing depression & achieve balanced state of mind, body & soul. It can help taking right decisions in crucial times.
- Shree Swami Samartha said : “Kalji ghya, Kalji karu naka”. If we get spiritual support & rectify our house through vastushastra, then we shouldn’t worry about fate & rather work for a better destiny.
- To conclude, irrespective of we may or maynot change the fate completely, but we should take efforts by making use of this Science to reduce the intensity of the end result.
Vastushastra plays important role in achieving Financial Prosperity by proper balancing of Elements & Energies both at Home & at Work places (Office, Factory, Banks, Institutions, Hospitals etc)
*Stability for an individual may be of more income & lesser expense, whereas for Banks it may be controlling their NPAs (non performing assets). For few others it could be reducing liabilities by increase in sales of their goods & services*
As per Vastushastra there are 8 types of Godess Laxmi in 8 directions, which means Wealth can come from all directions.
*But financial stability depends on the ratio of Cashflow-In Vs Cashflow-Out, which can be
balanced through Vastushastra*
We also need to know how much is sufficient & where does the money drain out ?
Wastage of money or Cash outflow can happen due to various reasons like, bad debts, stuck money, medical expenses, legal expenses, wrong investments & assets etc..
SE & NW also gives good cashflow but it is more important to balance SW to attain stability of this incoming Wealth.
S & SW directions representing Earth element along with West direction plays important role to stablize money.
Presence of Bedroom, storeroom & stair case automatically stabilizes S & Sw to certain extent. (Yellow pot is recommended in Sw).
Proper weight balancing of N & S zones is also important for stability of wealth.
Vastushastra has various solutions for all
these issues.
Vaastu entrances in Ne & N (representing Lord Kuber & Planet Mercury or Budh) are considered to be more auspicious when it comes to finances or money. Placing Devghar in N, Ne & E creates further positivity in Vaastu.
Colors, Yantras, Mantras, Crystals & Pictures can help us to attract Cash inflow & manage Cash outflow.
*Colors*: Using shades of Blue color in North can help getting new opportunities, similarly balancing Colors in S & SW is important to stabilise income generated from these opportunities.
North represents water element & can be balanced by keeping *waterfall or water curtain* in House or office, whereas well in N, can be of help in case of Land or Bungalow.
*Yantras eg;*
Balancing of energies in SE helps stable flow cash money – which can be done either by using appropriate color and symbols or Agni & Shukra yantras (if fire element is disturbed)
Shree yantra represents Mahalaxmi, Mahakali & Mahasaraswati, not only gives Prosperity of Health & Wealth but also protects it & us.
Kuber yantra along with Budha yantra in N, makes North zone stronger & brings more opportunities as source of income.
Blessings from Goddesses of Dashamahavidya viz; Tara, Tripurbhairavi & Kamala Devi who grants richness, success & prosperity can be obtained if their yantras are placed in right direction. Dhanada yantra & Kanakdhara yantra also helps attracting money.
*Mantra eg;*
Reciting of Shree sukta, Navnath adhyay-2 & Laxmi Gayatri mantra for specific number of times brings financial abundance.
Red jasper Elephants also helps balancing energies of N & S.
Vastushastra can help getting Loan for business expansion by placing proper combination of White Horses & Red Horses for increasing sales. Not only this other images of mountains, landscapes & animals can help us, attracting good fortune, getting support form our Employees & establishing good relations with Clients & Customers.
*(Which ultimately results stability of job, business & finances)*
For stability it is advisable to keep *Treasury* (cash, jewellery & asset documents) in SW or N such that it opens in N or NE
Obstacles in stability can be removed by
praying to Kuldevi & getting blessings from departed souls
Hence Vastushastra can help in both; attracting money or new opportunities & stabilizing or controlling of wealth & unnecessary expenses to a greater extent.
*R Suryavanshi*
” The universe exists in you as much as you exist in it “
Everyone knows Big bang & formation of planets as suspended in universe and hence one can also easily understand the interrlation with planet Earth.
Rotation of Moon around earth creates high & low tide, similaly revolving planets around the Sun (which is lifeforce of our solar system) with a fixed orbit exchange cosmic waves, magnetic currents & influence gravitational force of each other.
As per Vastushastra 9 planets (Navgrah) govern 8 directions of Vaastu. They also describe days & have specific hora time.
Navgrah have direct correlation with our health, finances, temperaments, character, nature & style, human behaviour, qualities, physic, body elements & organs in body.
They also determine profession of a person & influence at every Age (or stage in life).
So, let’s understand their effects & influences :
*Budh* or Mercury governs North – Represents – money, opportunities, business, commerce. It influences communication & coordination.
*Jupiter* governs Ne – Represents – Big tasks & spirituality. It influences – education, spirituality, marriage, determines lifespan, honor & dignity.
*Sun* governs East – Represents power & ego. It makes one strong, assertive, authoritative, disciplined, royal, proud, firm & selfless nature.
*Venus* governs Se – Represents luxury, music & art. It influences romance, friendship & diplomatic nature.
*Mars* governs South – Represents reproduction, rebirth. It has great impact on behaviour, relationship, abundance & character (Rough, doubting etc)
*Rahu & Ketu* governs SW – Represents evil. Sw should be heavy to control or supress its head. Rahu reflects rebellious, impulsive, secretive, dominance nature & makes him famous. While Ketu represents prosperity & influences intuitiveness & make person dreamlike. (Rahu Ketu represents Earth element)
*Saturn* governs West – Represents wiseness & wisdom. It is responsible for struggle, suffering &
learning from mistakes.
*Moon* governs Nw – It represents instability, sentiments & subconscious. It makes person, sensitive, changing & delicate.(Air element)
(Fire + Water = Pitta) — If fire & water elements are imbalance creates pitta & affect health. (Eg; Sun & Mars represents Pitta).
Similarly all 9 planets play imp role in balancing of health through balanced elements.
Eg; Venus enhances womens mental creativity & physical beauty if fire element is balanced. Struggle & difficulties in work can overcome with blessings of Saturn. Instability due to moon can be managed by balancing air element in NW.
Further 9 planets also affect specific organs & determine diseases.
In humans they also represent behavioural aspect ie; Rajo, Tama & Satva gunas.
*Astrological context*: 12 Rashi or Signs are majorly governed by these Navgrahs.(Every member residing in Vaastu has some affect of Rashi & respective planetary positions).
*Numerological context*: Every number have influence of 9 planets & every vastu has some number (flat no. or
property no. etc).
9 planets also represent particular Gemstones & Color (which we use to balance elements in Vaastu).
All this means we receive various energies from different planets & govern natural elements present here on earth.
Hence, as per Vastushastra fine tuning of different planets or Navgrah is very important to get maximum benefit of all 5 elements & receive positive cosmic energies.
*R Suryavanshi*
Size of Vaastu is determined by the size of different rooms like Living, Kitchen, Bed, toilet etc.
A person or family can be positively benefited only if they are able to design & arrange things properly within their house as defined by Vastushastra (if we ignore cuts etc)
Bigger the better. Bigger size house provides space & helps in proper placement of in-house arrangements. More space leads to balancing elements appropriately in each zone. Also, to create harmonious atmosphere, we need positive vibrations, which can be obtained if the house has better air & light ventilation through more number of windows.
Lesser the area, there could be overlapping of furniture & appliances in multiple zones.
Eg; If house is small, Kitchen ie; Fire element will fall in both Bramha region & in Se. Similarly Bed in Sw & Bramha.
This not only affects Bramha which is 1/9th portion of the Vastu but it also becomes difficult to maintain equilibrium of other 4 elements.
Bramha region needs to be wide-open, else it will be depressed due to weight & effect sky element adversely effecting the residents of such Vastu. Similarly they won’t be able to get full benefit of other elements even if they are partially present in their respective zones, further depriving people living in such house from good results of those respective zones.
Ideal ratio is 1:1 or 1:2 ie; Square or Rectangular shape such that Simple Harmonic Motion is maintained.
Odd size leads to extension of some zones or squeezing other zones thus disturbing the equilibrium. Too much stretched rectangle will have 2 opposite directions or zones comparatively bigger than other ones which may create obstacles for proper placement.
Ne should be bigger or should have more open space than Sw. But also, if room in Sw is too small weight balancing is difficult to achieve. If room in S & Sw is too big then it means there is more open space compared to N & Ne. Hence room sizes need to be in
proportion aswell.
Size of doors & windows are also imp as per Vastushastra. Eg. Main entrance to be bigger than other doors of house & windows in S & Sw to be smaller.
When things fall in proper zones, we get positive effects from the planets ruling that direction or zone. Balanced energies of different directions accordingly determines the possibility to get required support from these zones to fulfil persons goals & ambitions.
There are also some calculations based on construction area (size) of the house, such that, if the built-up area is multiplied & then divided by particular nos. the result and the remainder determines the type of Vastu it is & various results of living in such a Vastu. This could be either gain or loss in income & wealth, happiness, regrets, victory, disease or about affect on children etc… All this is nothing but the Fate.
Thus size becomes an important factor of success & influences the fate of a person.
Vastushastra is for bringing overall prosperity, let it be improving relationships, good health, financial stability or academic progress or anything else.
Need of people change from time to time w.r.t. their nature of work or profession.
Every room has different purpose. Who utilises which room matters.
Since house consists of different rooms, which room falls in which zone is the influencing factor & determines the effect on the person using it.
Lets consider a 3bhk flat or a bunglow with multiple rooms.
Eg; If Bread winner of the Family uses bedroom in Ne will not be suitable, instead if elderly people or his parents use the bedroom in Ne will be more beneficial health wise.
Similarly if childrens use Se or N bedroom will be more helpful to bring more activeness & confidence in them & give them an opportunity to explore outside world, instead of their parents using it.
Bedroom in Sw will give bread winner of the family more stability & progress in his career & married life, whereas if his parents or kids use the same bedroom might get more stubborn & adamant.
Likely Nw is more suitable for girl looking to get married or for newly married couple.
Also, people residing in same house are of different age & hence their purpose & requirements differs accordingly.
Vastushastra can help getting positive energies of Planets on family members at different stage of life.
Kids & Youngsters require good education, knowledge, love & coordination which can be fulfilled with blessing from planets Mercury & Venus.
Whereas Sun & Mars can help in fulfilling ambitions, establishing connections, determination & focused mindset which is the need of an Adult bread winner.
Similarly room in Ne which is under influence of Jupiter will help the elderly people to give peace of mind having fullfilled their desires.
Hence, it is very important to carry right activity in right zone, by right member of the family to get desired results with the help of
Vastushastra majorly works on basic principles of Panchatatva (air, water, fire, earth & sky). It abides *laws of Nature* & *8 major directions* (which is same across the world). It is also takes into consideration other factors such as *energies from universe, earths gravitational force, magnetism & geopathic stress.*
5 elements are the very basis of creation, functioning & maintatinence of Human body & its internal system. They directly or indirectly influence our health, thinking & behaviour.
Vastushastra is an ancient science, designed & developed to *Benefit humans* irrespective of their origin. *And humans are present across the world !!*
Vastushastra has importance of air-light ventilation & has effective ways to make use of UV rays & avoid Infrared rays.
Although countries are different culturally but still all of them have same day-night cycle of 24 hrs & experience same gravitational force of earth & planetory energies including magnetism across the globe. These all are continuously acting on human bodies & energies are flowing within the Vaastu. (Places for Worship, Residential & Commercial setups, Factory, Bank, Hospital, Education institutions, Malls & Land etc..) *All these types of Vaastu are commonly seen in all countries accross the world.*
Another thing is *Compass*, wherever you take it across the globe, it’s magnetic needle shows same directions let it be India or Australia or Europe.
World comprises of Continents (surrounded by huges water bodies like Oceans & Seas) in which there are various countries of various shapes & sizes which may lead to unbalanced energies in eight directions but ultimately they are governed by these 5 elements. (8 dirn — which are again common accross geography)
This also means Vastushastra is *Universally applicable*.
Vastushastra works on theory of balancing elements & energies. We also know energy cannot be created neither destroyed, *but definitely energies can be attracted.*
This can be efficiently done through yantras, mantras & pyramids used in Vastushastra irrespective of Vaastu’s geographical location. Which means Vastushastra is *Practically possible anywhere.*
There are various other energies arising either from bottom of earth or universe & penetrating earth’s surface like Hartman lines, Lay lines, Skewman lines & Curry lines. Intensity of these energies may vary from place to place but these energies are spread across the globe, effecting humans, animals & trees differently.
Now, almost all countries are either developed or in developing stage, which means irrespective of their geographies, they have modern technological structures, heavy machinery & complex transportation systems etc.. leading to various kinds of artificial source of Geopathic stress & depriving people from natural magnetism that is required for proper functioning of human mechanisms.
This kind of geopathic stress cannot be controlled but can be efficiently avoided to greater extent using principals & working of Vastushastra.
Principles of Vastushastra doesn’t have other limitations & shortcomings like; person specific design & remedies that needs to be changed its positions every year, *rather its solutions are cost effective & permanent*.
Thus Principles Vastushastra intends to create harmony & have capacity to address requirements & challenges of people across the world — which are same, whether they work, study or reside, irrespective of their geographical location.
@ R Suryavanshi
o Fear is a negative emotion & a feeling of insecurity.
o Boss is the Sr. person with decisive powers in an organisation whom we report or the one who is responsible for our appraisals & *Fear arises from something we know, it’s not convincing enough for this Boss. This could be due to various other kind of fears.*
o It may be *Fear of failure* which could be about achieving targets or certain tasks & it means its due to Lack of Confidence. As per Vastushastra S.Se – represents confidence. (Need to check S.Se zone at residence or acquiring position in S.Se in office can be of help)
o Correcting E at home & earth element in Sw (try making Sw comparatively heavier to N & Ne at home) for connections,
o relations & stability at work place (with colleagues & Sr. management) will remove *Fear of loosing job* & help getting credit of work done.
o Also need to check if Fire element is present in Sw (which spoils efforts & achievements by burning the energies here) & Fire element in Ne .
o Balanced fire element in Se – represents action & job security, whereas S will give performance & success. This will give progress & remove *Fear of appraisals* (Check if water element is disturbing energies in Se, S & Sw)
o Placing objects of water element & Blue color in N & Ne will give growth opportunities to work on new projects & vision how to achieve. This will remove *Fear of loosing & being laughed at*
o Difference in opinion triggers disputes. Balanced Nw is required to establish good coordination & remove communication gap, this will avoid *Fear due to misunderstandings* & instead get
o support from the boss & others.
o Pitrudosh — may snatch things and restrict getting what a person deserves. Getting pitrudosh sorted out will prevent *Fear of obstacles*
o Organisation expects Ethics, Integrity & Honesty to be maintained by its employees. If these things are satisfied by an employee, & has wisdom, he can also get blessings from Lord Saturn. Thus he can avoid *Fear of getting Blamed*
o Sitting is E.Se corner of office could also be the reason for *Fear of increased stress* & hence should be avoided
o Installing Baglamukhi yantra in S can help in overcoming *Fear from enemies* (incase of enemity with Boss)
o Fear is also about dominance & wearing Tiger eye bracelet for confidence will be of help.
o Additional precautions can be taken like, to avoid sitting under the beam or centre of office. Desk should be clutter free & he
o should face N, Ne or E while at desk.
o Moreover there are different departments in an organisation like Finance, Research, Manufacturing, Communication, Sales, Legal & HR. Depending in which zone you work also determines the efficiency, performance & results.
o Thus by following principles of Vastushastra one can definitely remove various kinds of fear & bring peace & harmony in relations at workplace aswell.
Yes, You can make use of Vaastu principles to get desired results to deserving person & increase our potential therby increasing your chances of success.
No, Irrespective of who resides within energies in Vaastu will work same, but effects may vary due to past karma of an individual & horoscope. Vastushastra helps to neutralise these illeffects & sufferings
No, Irrespective of who resides within energies in
Vaastu will work same, but effects may vary due to past karma of an individual & horoscope. Vastushastra helps to neutralise these illeffects & sufferings
Yes, If you plan before exacavation & follow construction schedule as per Vastushastra, it will be more beneficial & avoid any unexpected delay & obstacles.
Yes, Objective of Vastushastra is to create better environment for living, attract good fortune, bring opportunities & create prosperity. Proper application can create harmonious atmosphere & help to achieve healthy, wealthy & happy life.